Altar Society—Every First Sunday after the 11:00 AM Mass (September-April)
Altar Society President: Janie Braden 919-9835
Knights of Columbus—3rd Thursday of each month at 7PM.
Knights of Columbus Grand Knight: Carlos Suarez - (405) 210-8201
Pastoral Council—2nd Thursday of each month at 6:00 PM in the Annex.
President: Rev. Fr. John Peter Swaminathan 527-4242
Chairperson John D. Montgomery 527-2266
Vice Chairperson: Kevin Konrade 449-7140
Secretary: Sharon Barton 517-9067
Angelica Ortiz 317-4616
Victor Lohn 206-3228
Daniel Chavez 590-1863
Jan Dye 550-6814
Janie Braden 919-9835
Edgar Del Toro 659-2049
Mike Ahern 519-6783
Deacon John Warren. 833-2103
Finance Committee—quarterly
Finance Council Chair, Todd Clouse 527-2015
Society of St. Vincent de Paul—semi-monthly on the 2nd and 4th Sundays following the 11:00 am Mass in the first classroom in the Hall.
Society of St Vincent de Paul:
Charolette Lambert 527-3077
St Vincent De Paul Helpline 595-1087 (food and utility assistance)
Charismatic Group Tuesday at 7PM
Charismatic Group Incharge:
Sergio Diaz 326-7487
70s+ Support Group 2nd Monday of the month at 2PM (Sept-May)
70s+ Womens Support Group
Maurita Summers 527-3156
Religious Ed. Committee Chairperson:
Gracie Montgomery 527-2266 250-3310